26. September 2024

Speed-Dating – intercultural and interreligious

Foto: Stiftung Weltethos/ Bea Bode

At the opening event of Intercultural Week Tübingen on Sunday, 22 September at Hirsch, the meeting place for older people, the focus was on exchange and direct contact. The 50 or so participants in the speed dating event were united by one thing above all: their openness and curiosity to get to know new people from other cultures and religions.

Looking at what we have in common

Getting to know other religions and cultures

What are the customs of other cultures? What values characterise other religions? What role does the family play? The participants asked each other these and many other questions. There was time and space to talk and get to know each other in an informal atmosphere.
And that is exactly what makes speed dating so special: the participants break down stereotypes and prejudices in direct contact with their counterparts. It enables an intensive dialogue and in-depth exchange – and this also holds surprises because people approach each other openly. The participants from very different countries and continents realised: ‘It’s not just Muslims who live in Syria; there’s someone from Afghanistan who likes the same music as me and someone from Cameroon who watches the same TV series. There are more similarities than you might think.

Eine Frau und ein Mann unterhalten sich miteinander. Im Hintergrund sind ebenfalls zwei Männer im Gespräch.
Foto: Stiftung Weltethos/ Bea Bode
Ein Frau ist mit einem älteren Mann im Gespräch, sie strahlt. Im Hintergrund ist das Rollup der Stiftung Weltethos zu erkennen.
Foto: Stiftung Weltethos/ Bea Bode

intercultural week

opening up meeting spaces

The speed dating event opened this year’s Intercultural Week in Tübingen, which is taking place from 22 September to 6 October 2024 under the motto ‘New Spaces’. By creating space for new encounters, it aims to overcome social barriers and promote peaceful coexistence in Tübingen. It also aims to make visible and network the 9 organisers, who are made up of very different initiatives and associations. Associations such as ‘Pakistan Welfare and Cultural Society Tübingen e.V.’, ‘Pro Sinti und Roma e.V.’ and ‘Asylzentrum Tübingen e.V.’ presented their services and contact persons. The co-operation partners were unanimous: the speed dating forms a ‘bracket’ for the many different events of the Intercultural Week. It has a strong unifying power and, not least, opens up spaces for encounters at a time when more and more divisions are emerging.

A co-operation of

  • Asylum Centre Tübingen e.V.
  • Caritas Centre Tübingen
  • Diaconal Work Tübingen
  • Education and Migration Centre InFö e.V.
  • Lebenshilfe Tübingen e.V.
  • Pakistan Welfare and Cultural Society Tübingen e.V.
  • Pro Sinti and Roma e.V.
  • Telar e.V.-We connect worlds
  • Free Radio Wüste Welle
  • The Global Ethic Foundation

Contact person


Büşra Çebi

Interfaith Affairs and Society
Tel.: +49 (0)7071 400 53 - 11
E-Mail: cebi@weltethos.org