25. July 2024

Hohenberg Primary School Rottenburg becomes Global Ethic School

Zwei Frauen lächeln in die Kamera und halten gemeinsam eine Urkunde in den Händen. Neben ihnen stehen ein Junge und ein Mädchen. Auf der Urkunde steht: Auszeichnung Hohenbergschule Grundschule Rottenburg Weltethos Schule.
Foto: Stiftung Weltethos / Philipp Sigle

The Global Ethic Foundation has honoured Hohenberg Primary School in Rottenburg as a Global Ethic School. This means that the primary school is now one of 24 Global Ethic Schools that have existed in Germany since 2014 and include all school types.

The school celebrated the award with a School World Festival on 18 July with pupils and teachers, representatives from politics, administration and various churches and religious communities.

Global ethics at school

Taking responsibility

At a Global Ethic School, teachers, pupils and parents learn from each other and grow together to form a community based on Global Ethic values.

With this award, the Global Ethic Foundation emphasises that the global ethic idea shapes everyday life at Hohenberg Primary School in a special and diverse way: For example, the children learn to treat each other with respect, to accept and appreciate being different, to resolve conflicts fairly and without violence and to take responsibility for themselves and others.

"It is always a great pleasure to honour such a committed school and to accompany it on its further path - be it with advice, with innovative workshops in the areas of "Interreligious Education" and "Values and Democracy Education" or with our Global Ethic Schools Network."

Eine Frau steht an einem Rednerpult mit Mikrofon und wendet sich lächelnd einer Frau zu, die neben ihr steht zu. Diese Frau hält in ihren erhobenen Händen ein Dokument. Rechts von ihr ist eine Urkunde mit der Aufschrift "Auszeichnung Hohenbergschule Grundschule Rottenburg Weltethos-Schule" sowie ein Globus zu erkennen.
Foto: Stiftung Weltethos / Philipp Sigle
Zu sehen ist ein Schulhof mit Eltern, Lehrer*innen und Schüler*innen. Im Hintergrund ist ein Baum und ein Schulgebäude zu erkennen. Im Mittelpunkt schwebt eine Weltkugel.
Foto: Stiftung Weltethos / Philipp Sigle

Welcoming culture

What makes Hohenberg Primary School different

What sets Hohenberg Primary School apart from other schools? Among other things, it is characterised by an outstanding welcoming culture. Given that more than 240 children from over 30 nations come together at the school every day, this plays a particularly important role in everyday school life.

The strong commitment of the parents, who support each other, for example by translating at parents’ evenings or providing transport to school events, is also exceptional.

Activities such as the “Peace Carpet”, the “Join-in Bench” or the “Break Buffet” are also unusual: individual classes and their parents take it in turns to offer this varied buffet. The proceeds do not go into the respective class fund, but into a “school fund” so that activities for the entire school community can be paid for. This strengthens cohesion!

The primary school is increasingly focussing on communicating global ethic values by singing and dancing together. The selected music and songs are international and value-orientated. The fact that singing and dancing together gives the children joy and allows them to experience community became clear to all guests at the School World Festival during the primary school children’s dance contribution. The final circle formation read: “We are on the move” – a sign that Hohenberg Primary School will continue to be active even after the award and will further develop its value-orientated school culture.