Youth forum of religions at the state reception

Eine Gruppe junger Menschen mit zwei älteren Herren blicken freundlich in die Kamera.

5 active members of the Baden-Württemberg Youth Forum of Religions, together with Büşra Çebi and Dr Theresa Beilschmidt (Global Ethic Foundation), accepted Minister Manfred Lucha’s invitation to the New Palace […]

Conference ‘Liberal Islam’

Regenbogenfarben am Nachthimmel mit Symbolen des Islams.

Islamic religious life is diverse and is organised in different institutions in Germany. Demands for a liberal Islam are being voiced from very different directions. At the same time, the […]

Newly published: Interreligious Initiatives in Germany

Ein Bücherstapel der Publikation "Interreligiöse Initiativen in Deutschland - ein Wegweiser".

The Foundation’s tasks include participating in various networks and working groups, such as the ‘Interreligious Network Germany’. The handbook ‘Interreligious Initiatives in Germany – A Guide’, a joint project of […]

Erasmus+ project ValiDE

Studierende des ValiDE-Projekts aus Deutschland, Polen und Norwegen lächeln zum Gruppen-Foto in die Kamera.

For the second time, students from the Erasmus+ project “ValiDE – Values in Democracy Education at Primary Schools” visited the Aischbach elementary school in Tübingen to gain a practical insight […]