Encounter day for women: Peace and hope

Foto: Jessica Boese Around 90 women from different generations and religious traditions gathered for the 7th Interreligious Encounter Day for Women at the Hospitalhof in Stuttgart, which this year had […]

Religion & ethics: AI with responsibility

Menschen auf dem Podium diskutieren.

Foto: Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart Artificial intelligence (AI) and the associated changes to our living environment are currently one of the most pressing issues in our society. What role do […]

Why name a school after Hans Küng?

Der Flyer zur Umbenennung der Hans Küng Schule

Foto: Stiftung Weltethos On 12 June 2024, the Progymnasium Burladingen was renamed Hans-Küng-Progymnasium and celebrated in a ceremony. This naming not only honours a world-renowned scientist and theologian, but also […]